August 01, 2004

It's fiction, people. Mary Magdalene

It's fiction, people.

Mary Magdalene is not "The Holy Grail." She's not buried under the pyramid in the Louvre. Sauniere was not murdered in the musuem and he did not
leave clues all over the museum to identify his killers. The Priory of
Sion was probably a club of big thinkers who were afraid of the Church
declaring they were heretics, and not some secret society devoted to
keeping the information about Mary Magdalene shrouded in mystery to
protect her legacy. Opus Dei, while truly full of nutjobs, is
nonetheless full of harmless nutjobs that anyone with the least bit of sense would see as such. The portrait of John in The Last Supper is, indeed, probably John, not Mary Magdalene. Loose robes aside, there aren't any boobs to indicate otherwise.

Get over yourselves.

While I'm excited that people are reading, for the love of God, realize that The DaVinci Code is a work of fiction.
Nothing more. Nothing less. A yarn spun so that you could be
entertained as you sat on your sofa and scarfed bon-bons and read it.
Just because it's been published does not make The DaVinci Code the Bible. Dare I mention the fact that it's fiction and it isn't required to be accurate? If you like the ideas presented, by all means explore the ideas,
but don't take a freakin' tour through Paris looking to see how
accurate Brown is with the facts, from whence you feel you may judge
the validity of the ideas presented. Just don't. You look like a bunch
of desperate stalkers searching for a target.
And yes I am a wee bit biased about this book. Quite frankly, I'm tired of hearing about this business.
I just don't give a rat's ass about it. And I'm undoubtedly going to
hear more about it this week. I heard more about it last month when the
sister-in-law called me to tell me "Primetime" was airing a special
about "all of the fallacies in the book," like an hour-long special on
ABC was going to change my mind about this sort of thing. But she had
ABC to back her up. My reply: "Have you read the book...yet?
"No. I'm reading..." Grrrrr. At least these people have actually read
the book. That's fine and dandy but for the love of God I wish people
would get over this thing already.

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 12:47 AM | TrackBack
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