August 01, 2004

Today would be one of

Today would be one of those days.
That last little post about Jeff G.'s attempts at entering the ranks of
the fashionistas was written Saturday afternoon. I tried to publish it
then and it completely disappeared. *Poof* Gone. Ghandi. Frustrated yet
again with the patent goofiness of Blogspot, I just gave up on blogging
for the rest of the weekend. Not really a tough choice given the
situation, but still it was one that was chosen because Blogger was
being goofy. So, I log in this morning, and what should await me in the
"published" column? A post that made the dubious claim it had been
published but hadn't been in actuality.
This has been happening quite frequently of late.
So, the gist of this post would be to warn all of my readers that if I
don't post anything today, it's not because I didn't try, but because
Blogger kept waving its magic wand, whispering presto chango over the proverbial hat causing my posts to disappear.

Which, of course, is a useless warning if this post doesn't make it through.

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 10:51 AM | TrackBack
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