July 01, 2004

Well kids, sorry to do

Well kids, sorry to do this to you, but I'm off to the lake for today
and part of tomorrow. After constant rain yesterday, it seems as if the
weather has made a turn for the better and I shall think of you for
approximately five seconds while I'm sitting on the beach, chatting
with my sister, her husband and her kids. You'll manage to live without
me for a time, I'm sure.
In the meanwhile go and read Fausta .
There's a lot of goody over at her site today. And for other juicy,
non-Kerry related tidbits go over to the Babalu Blog and read Val's
email battle with a Castro-lovin', Bush-hatin' educator who---I
think---was trying to solicit PR help for a student exchange program.
You can find his posts here and here. The Jane Austen Cage Match is awaiting your sensible judgment. Chime in and let us know who beat the snot out of whom.

If all that goody fails to satisfy you in my absence, well, there's just no hope for you, is there?

Lastly, I'm visiting James
today and as he's coming here on Friday, I would love to be able to
greet him with the news that a few more people have donated to help him
make his diabetes disappear.

Have I mentioned that the kid has a temper? Spare me his wrath, would you?

Oh, and Rich still has a Gmail account to give away to the next person who donates $50.

It's 100% tax deductible and
you will be helping researchers find a cure for a disease that keeps
kids like James from snarfing mini-snickers bars on Halloween. As you
reach into the bottom drawer of your desk for a little sweet to get you
through your day, remember that James doesn't get that option: he
hasn't tasted a candy bar since he was two-years-old. He doesn't
remember that chocolatey, caramely goodness. Donate a few bucks toward
sharing the experience, eh? /guilt trip.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 10:16 AM | TrackBack
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