July 01, 2004

I'm tired and I'm sunburned.

I'm tired and I'm sunburned. Still. Unfortunately for me, I have a mix
of skin-types. After spending many hours baking in the sun while well
protected by sunscreen, I can get to the point where if you squint and
look at me sideways, I could
resemble a golden goddess. It is possible. But this does not discount
the plain and simple fact that---a good ten months out of the year---I
am a whitey. A whiter than white whitey. Most of the time I glow. In
fact, I am visible from space. You wanna know why the Hubble Telescope
always needed repairing when NASA actually cared about such things?
Well, that's my fault. I'm owning up to it. Sorry. Generally my legs
are white enough that they reflect the sunlight right back out of the
atmosphere. This, of course, goofed with the finely calibrated
technology that allowed us to see all sorts of junk at the back end of
the universe. I don't know what I was thinking: I should have worn
jeans all the damn time. But I didn't. Forgive me. I am one of two
natural brunettes in my immediate family: the rest are redheads and
blondes, who, due to puberty, have since joined the ranks of the
brunettes. My brother Tim and I are no longer the lone
brunettes---well, except for Susie, but she's a bottle blonde. Since I
got the brown hair, one would assume that I got the coloring that goes
with it. Nope. I got the redhead skin type, but with a twist: I can
turn into a golden goddess with time and effort---they can't. They just
sit out in the sun to get more freckles so it looks like they've got a
tan. I get the freckles, the sunburn, and
the tan.
But it's been rainy here, and I've been errant about working on "my
base" in a way that would make Karl Rove very unhappy were he to hear
about it. Today I'm paying for it. Sizzle goes the skin. Particularly
my cleavage...ouch! I bought a new swimsuit and it's cut lower in that
area than past swimsuits---virgin suntanning territory in other words.
Well, it is white no longer: it is pink. Very
pink. Aloe is doing wonders and it's not nearly as inflamed as it was
yesterday, but it's still pretty darn red. Maybe I should buy a green
bra, take a picture, and advertise "Christmas in July"?
Ya' think? Ever notice how sunburn tires you out? It shouldn't, but it
does. My body is using its extra resources to work on healing my skin,
hence I'm logy. Tack that onto the drive and the fun and staying up
late and chatting---and you have one tired girl. And I have a house to
prepare for visitors today, so I really should get to it.
I don't know what to tell you about blogging. Maybe I will. Maybe I
won't. I don't know. But don't expect too darn much from me until
Monday or Tuesday. Think of anything that you get as gravy and that way
you won't be too disappointed.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 10:21 AM | TrackBack
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