July 01, 2004

I've said before that Blogger's

I've said before that Blogger's lack of communication hasn't really
been an issue for me. It would be nice to know when they want to, you
know, update the entire system, like they did in May (we Blogspot users
had no clue about that---it just appeared). It would also be nice to
know when they plan on updating the posting window.  But on the
whole, it hasn't been a bad thing.  Until now.  Last Friday
they switched the posting window to a graphical interface (or that's
what the husband's calling it)and it's been giving me headaches ever
since I started posting again. And I have absolutely no idea why, all
of a sudden, all my posts are now going into two columns, not one. The
husband has no clue, either, which really isn't a good sign. He can
usually suss this sort of thing out without any hitches in his stride.
He spent a good hour gazing at the template code and was left without
any ideas. He thought that by deleting the Gratuitous Veggie Blogging
post (the one with the pictures) it would solve the problem.  This
was his recommendation yesterday, and I was loath to follow
through because I don't ever want to lose a post.  But I got
desperate this morning and did so and now it looks to be even
more screwed up than before! The husband  emailed Blogger
Support on my behalf YESTERDAY and they still haven't gotten back to
me. STILL. I realize the service is free, but you would think that they
could muster up some communication of the personalized kind on a
problem of this magnitude.  An auto-reply email doesn't really cut
it when your entire blog is screwed up and there's nothing you can
do about it until they do contact you. 
I realize beggars can't be choosers, but still.  We're
talking almost twenty-four hours and no contact other than an
auto-reply email.  That's just wrong.  I take a goodly amount
of crap for being a Blogspot Blogger.  Despite the new
templates and all the improvements, people still don't take you
seriously if you're on this service.  It's blog snobbery,
yes, but what the hell can I do about it?  That's just the
way the world works.   Yet, I don't mind all that
much---normally---because it's free. We've been in a budget crunch here
while the husband starts up his software company and this is just
a freakin' hobby for me: it shouldn't cost me an arm and a leg to do
this, and if I actually have to pay for software and hosting and
all the other assorted crap, well, that's normally something I
would consider to be counterproductive.  I repeat: normally
This is turning into one of those situations where the camel's back is
becoming loaded.  When will it break?  No one really
knows.  I'd better get an email from Blogger telling me how to fix
the damn problem sometime today or this could be the proverbial
Again, I apologize to my regular readers for the goofup.  I
shouldn't be the one apologizing, because for once, this isn't my
fault, but still, I feel the obligation.  Also, to any new
readers, know that it's not normally this screwed up around here and
I'm sorry for giving you a big,"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THIS
FREAKIN' BLOG?" moment when you first hit my site. 
I'm not going to bother posting anything new until the problem is
resolved.  Blogging will resume when Blogger gets
off its collective ass and fixes what's wrong.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 09:39 AM | TrackBack
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