July 01, 2004

Rich is getting desperate. His

Rich is getting desperate.

His Blogs Across America trip is coming up quickly and he's in serious
need of a few beds along the way. If you happen to be a. a blogger and
b. happen to live between either Tucson and Colorado Springs or Detroit
and Queens, NY, take pity on the boy and give him a bed for the night.
Chances are seldom sober can clean your liquor cabinet out of all the
cheap booze your clients gave you for Christmas last year. I, myself,
am planning on foisting a bottle of Seagrams 7 on him. Canadian
whiskey. Bleh. Hey, and if cleaning the liquor cabinet isn't good
enough for you, know that you get a nifty t-shirt out of the deal.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 08:35 AM | TrackBack
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