July 01, 2004

Get it? Heheheh. I'm just

Get it? Heheheh. I'm just so damn punny on Saturdays. Arf. Whatever.
Anyway, Steve-o at El Llamabutchers has some more meme's up this morning. They're always on top of these things, and I find them fun, so let's get wacky.

1) What moment from what movie still makes you laugh out loud - no matter how many times you see it?

Anything from The Sure Thing.
I might have mentioned it before, but if I didn't, my brother David was
addicted to this flick back in the day when we all still lived under
the same roof. This, of course, was back in the day when it cost $80 to
buy a movie on VHS. Dave rented this thing at least once a week because
he couldn't afford the $80. And never fail, my father would always and
forever walk in on the one scene where Nicollette Sheridan is running
up the beach in her white bikini, reminiscent of Bo Derek in 10,
and would cry, "All you kids watch is smut!" Dad's histrionics aside,
we kept renting and watching it. And I still love it. That movie is
full of good laughs. Particular favorite? The speech John Cusack's Gib
gives Daphne Zuniga's Allison while she's swimming laps.

"I flunk English, I'm outta here. I gotta get a job, and
you know what that means. That's right, they start me at the drive-up
window and I gradually work my way up from shakes to burgers, and then
one day my lucky break comes: the french fry guy dies and they offer me
the job. But the day I'm supposed to start some men come by in a black
Lincoln Continental and tell me I can make a quick 300 just for driving
a van back from Mexico. When I get out of jail I'm 36 years old. Living
in a flop house. No job. No home. No upward mobility. Very few teeth.
And then one day they find me, face down in the gutter, clutching a
bottle of paint thinner and why? Because you wouldn't help me in

I can still recite that from memory, complete with all the dramatic
pauses and jumps into the pool. I can also quote the whole "You can't
name the kid Elliot," dissertation, and the "Barkeep! Bring my friend a trough of spritzer!" scene. Too damn funny.

2) What moment from what movie still makes you cry like a baby - no matter how many times you see it?

Schindler's List. Trite and made to make you weep, I know, but
it still does the trick. The scene where Oskar is hit by the
realization that he could have done more, saved more lives, and breaks
down---gets me every time. Same with the evacuation of the Ghetto,
where you watch Oskar follow the little girl with the colored coat's
pathway to hiding.
Also see The English Patient where Ralph Fiennes' patient
silently pleads with Juliette Binoche's Hannah to help him end his
life. She's about to dose him with morphine, and he silently pushes
more and more vials of the stuff toward her, and she finally breaks out
in tears at the thought of doing such a thing, because she loves him in
her own way, while knowing it's the right thing to do. Man. I'm tearing
up right now just thinking of it. 3) What moment from what movie made you actually turn your head
from the screen - either in fear, revulsion, or contempt for the fact
that you actually paid money to see the film?

Ok, three separate circumstances, three separate films.

Fear: Silence of the Lambs.
The scene in the basement, when the lights go out and Buffalo Bill is
watching Clarice through night vision goggles. He reaches out and,
while not touching her and giving away his position, just moves the air
by her, just to screw with her. OH GOD! That's scary as hell. I
couldn't watch it the first time I saw that movie. Obviously, I have
since, but I still squirm and watch it through my hand. Revulsion: Jurassic Park. The original. The husband was a big
fan of this book and he really wanted to see the movie, so back when he
was The Boyfriend, we went to go and see it. I spent most of the movie
turned away from the screen, holding my hands over my ears. I'm not one
to complain about too much violence in movies, but this one was just
way too much for me. It was disgusting, and when the T-Rex ate the guy
who'd ran to the bathroom...well, that was enough for me.
Contempt: Moulin Rouge. I actually liked most of this movie,
but man that scene where Jim Broadbent starts warbling "Like A Virgin"
to the Duke? Oy. ML and I went to see it together and moment that
scene's ultimate musical destination became patently obvious, I told
her, "Perfect moment for a potty break," and I rose to go to the
restroom. When I came back, she said, "I wish I'd gone with you." 4)What is one single moment from a film that is indelibly etched
in your brain? Not a scene or a sequence exactly, but three or four
seconds from a movie that contain an image or phrase or concept that
transcends normal movies?

Godfather II: "Fredo, you broke my heart!" You knew up until
that moment in time that Michael was ruthless and, in a sense, had just
been working his way up to where he thought he needed to be, but that
moment is breathtaking because you knew that Fredo wasn't long for this
world, and Michael had reached the point where he thought it was a
necessary step to off his brother. Ok, now for the second meme of the
day: High School Dance Music Burned in Your Brain.
Man, where to start. It all depends upon who was playing at said dance.
I went to an all-girls school so dances were lots of fun, particularly
when Prep (the main la-di-dah boys school) hosted them. More boys than
at our dances. When I was a freshman, there was a garage band made up
of Prep seniors, many of whom I knew because they'd gone to my grade
school, and they'd cleverly named themselves "Various Artists." I was
in LOVE (or thought I was...can't even remember his last name now) with
the lead guitarist and every time they played, you could find me in the
front row, dancing, gazing up with wonder at him, and, in general, just
simpering with pleasure at his proximity. GAG! Besides satisfying my
fifteen-year-old fantasies, they also played really good music and were
technically proficient, meaning they didn't sound like crap. Some of
their repetoire:
1. U2, Walk Away
2. The Clash, Rock the Casbah
3. The Romantics, What I Like About You
4. Shout
5. Simple Minds, Don't You Forget...
6. Tears for Fears, Everybody Wants To Rule The World
7. Beatles, Any number of their hits. Back in the USSR, Can't Buy Me
Love, Paperback Writer (I would swear this is why I still love this
song), Drive My Car, etc.
8. The Police, Message in a Bottle, Every Little Thing She does is
But, like I said, these guys were all seniors when I was a
freshman---they graduated and moved on. So, the rest of my time in high
school was occupied by either mediocre bands that I can't remember, or
DJ's, which were always a little bit of fun because they played music
most bands wouldn't dare attempt.
Memorable examples.
1. Salt-n-Pepa, Push It
2. DJ Rob, It Takes Two I may not be internationally known, but I've been known to rock the microphone...
3. Tone Loc with his Funky Cold Medina
4. MAARS, Pump Up the Volume
5. Lean on Me...and no, I'm not talking about the Ben E. King version
6. Yaz
7. New Order
8. Erasure, Chains of Love is a particular favorite.
9. Beastie Boys, You Gotta Fight, for your right to parrrrrrtaaaaay!
10. The Cure. Try catching a catholic school boy lead singer warbling
"Boys Don't Cry." A snowball has better odds of surviving hell.
Apparently, they didn't need to stoop that low to bag the babes. 11.
RUN-DMC and Aerosmith, Walk this Way. I still prefer this version over
the original. Sorry, guys.
12. Paula Abdul, Straight Up
13. Prince, Purple Rain and Let's Go Crazy. No self-respecting bad
would cover those songs. EVER.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 01:12 AM | TrackBack
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