July 01, 2004

Yeah. After minimal blogging this

Yeah. After minimal blogging this past couple of weeks, I am deserting
you once more: I am off to the hometown for the weekend. I haven't seen
the parentals since January and since Mr. H. was traversing down to the
Big O, I thought I'd hitch a ride with him. There's really nothing on
the agenda for this trip, other than that my sister and I are going to
see 311 tonight---for free! The City of Omaha is celebrating its 150th
Birthday this weekend, and this is part of the festivities. should be a
good time. The husband, on the other hand, will be spending his weekend
here, rebuilding wee bastard (another reason I haven't been posting
much this week. Running more than one window at a time seems to make
the damn thing crash, so he's going to fix the jerk), so unless my
mother is willing to give up her WiFi laptop, I won't be blogging.
Besides, there are numerous nieces, nephews, brothers and sisters and,
of course, my father, that I need to see and chat with. Oh, and send up
a few Hail Mary's that the husband is, indeed, able to fix my computer.
Barring any unforseen circumstances, I'll be back blogging on Monday.
In the meantime, I'm going to ask all of you to go and read about James' battle to make diabetes disappear. To get directly to the part where you slap your credit card down and give, go here.
I thank you in advance for your generous donations, the first donation
that is for $50 gets a Gmail accout from Rich. STILL. I'm itching (and
I know Rich is too) to give away that Gmail account, so give, kids.
Give. It's tax deductible. As I'm seeing James this weekend, there
would be nothing better than to show him that people all over the
blogosphere want to help him make his diabetes disappear. Ok, guilt
trip over. I need to go and get ready to leave. Have a great weekend!

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 08:49 AM | TrackBack
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