May 01, 2004

Reuters scores an email interview

Reuters scores an email interview with Rance.

Rance loves shrimp and logic puzzles. He's tolerant of paparazzi but tough on gossips. He's bored by Shakespeare and the summer blockbuster "Troy" but admires Joan Rivers. And through it all he's amused by life in Los Angeles -- the way a birthday party in the suburbs can turn into an unexpected meeting with a dominatrix and a late-night nude dip in the Chateau Marmont pool can be interrupted by an SUV crash on Sunset Boulevard. "It is tough in L.," Rance says of the city. "The good news is there are Fatburgers." Though he has received two "serious" proposals from people in publishing to turn his blog into a book, Rance said he has not yet pursued that idea, content for now to communicate to the outside world through the Internet. "With no disrespect intended, media in general seldom if ever permits a person, be he actor or President, to present himself the way he would like -- and certainly not to the degree a blog does," Rance said. "Still, there's a megabyte or two's worth of irony in my situation," he said.

If it's Owen I'll be happy. It sounds like Owen. Don't ask me what the hell Owen sounds
like, but it seems a plausible notion that it would indeed be Owen. Gut
feeling. He's got that whole "I'm somewhat perplexed by life thing"
going on that Carrey, Clooney, and Affleck just don't have. He sees the
other side of life. Whereas they've got the world on a string and
there's all the depth of a wading pool with those three. But Owen? I
dunno. It makes sense somehow. He did co-write Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums.
(And of course obligtory grudge moment against the Academy for dissing
Bill Murray's performance in Rushmore. GRRRR.)
However, just in case I'm wrong and it indeed turns out to be Ben
Affleck, I will have to scrub my fingers with lye for typing words that
promoted a blog of his. It's not really an earth shattering deal one
way or another for me. It's just a puzzle to be solved. An interesting
story. A potential hoax. Something to wonder about in odd moments.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 10:38 PM | TrackBack
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