December 01, 2003

--- Ah, Monday. That most

--- Ah, Monday. That most fabulous day of the week. Mmmhmm.

Was the sarcasm too heavy in that statement? My bad.

--- News stories of the day that have piqued my interest.

- Zimbabwe's pulled out of the Commonwealth.
Someone really needs to take Mugabe out behind the woodshed and beat
the crap out of him.
Chances are, though, it won't be Tony Blair now. I'm sure it could have
been one of those rare win-win situations: Tony would be able to vent
his spleen on someone who so obviously deserves it. What's not to like
about that scenario?
- I don't think Kerry should apologize to Bush. Bush is a big boy: he can take it. I think he should have to apologize to the readers of Rolling Stone for using them in what is an obvious attempt to pander for the 18-25 age group's votes.

Really. If anyone can see through a callous move like that, it's that
age group. I've said it before: swearing is the sign of an
unimaginative mind. Not a filthy one. Kerry obviously is the least
imaginative man in the presidential race---and that's saying something,
because they're all unimaginative. - One would think that Maddux finally realized chicks don't dig the long ball if you're not playing for a winning team.

Anyone think Joe Torre's going to call him soon?

I do. He needs another old fogey to replace Clemens.

- And we have yet another story of Silly Germans.

How badly would it have sucked to have been the customer service rep who got that call?

--- Fun political guesstimator. Check it out when you get the chance.

It says I'm 72% in line with Bush's policies and after that I'm 55% in line with any
libertarian candidate. John Edwards, reportedly, is my democratic
candidate of choice, but I'm only in line with his policies by forty
some percent. The person I'm least copacetic with is Carol
--- Rented 28 Days Later
this weekend. This has got to be one of the most interesting movies
I've seen in a long while. It calls into question the main thing we in
the industrialized world seem to have forgotten about simply because we
don't have to think about it: survival. And not just Cast Away
type survival, where you need to learn how to make a fire, but
kill-or-be-killed-survival---where your choices need to be made in a
few short seconds or you will likely die.
It's a fascinating tale. Granted, it is essentially a Zombie
movie, but it's thought-provoking and it makes you wonder what you
would do in such a situation, and if you would have the stones to
survive. Now, it's been billed as a horror film, but I think that's
selling it short. It's gory, yes. It's scary, yes, but to my mind it's
not the zombies that make it scary: it's the ideas presented that are
scary. Rent it. Very, very cool movie. And if you do, make sure you
watch the alternate endings.

Posted by Kathy at December 1, 2003 02:20 PM | TrackBack
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