--- Oooh. It's laundry day so I've got serious, worthy reading for you.
This will be my bid to act like your mother who, at one point in your
happy childhood, undoubtedly gave you a book of puzzles or the like to
keep you out of her hair.
I am doing the same today in an attempt to actually get the laundry
done. Don't call me mom, though. I said I was acting like your mother, not that I was your mother.
--- Haven't heard all that much about the whole anthrax scare from 2001. Reportedly, the FBI has hit a dead end. Which is very bad if this article is even remotely true.
Got the heebie jeebies yet? I know I do.
--- Oooh, neo-temperance! Now there's a fascinating topic for the day, eh?
Actually, it is. If you value the ability to order a glass of wine with your dinner when out, or even in your own home, you will want to read this.
You'll need acrobat, and it is long but it's also well worth your time.
--- And this is for Mr. H.
I think V. and Z. would enjoy this, don't you? They could spend some
quality time with their favorite uncle while he worships his God.
{Ducking and running}