December 01, 2003

--- "Stealth Eugenics?" Witticism courtesy

--- "Stealth Eugenics?"

Witticism courtesy of the husband.

As far as the article, well, eeeeeeeeeeeewwww.
Random thought for the day: How long do you think it's going to take
before the world realizes there's a huge chance of second generation
inbreeding with sperm donation?
Because you know sperm donators are repeat offenders. If they don't
have any problems jacking off in a sperm bank, obviously, they're not
going to have a problem doing it over and over again, are they?
Particularly when they get paid for it. I mean, come on. They're
getting paid for something they'd do anyway.
What's not to like with that scenario for the chronic masturbators of
the world? It's a complete and utter win-win situation. Duh. But I
wonder, is someone keeping track of all the potential family trees? Are
we going to be enjoying the massive outbreak of hemophila that's in the
offing? Sounds like a bad science fiction plot, doesn't it? --- Man, those Iowans are
so freaking gullible. If you believe that John Kerry is actually going
to do something about farm subsidies---including handing out even more
cash and sticking pins in big campaign contributors, like Archer
Daniels Midland---you need to visit Al-Anon. You're co-dependent in the
extreme. You keep buying his promises and those of his ilk. You're an
enabler, because you keep coming out to listen to what they're selling.
You actually think you're making a difference and making your needs and
wants known, but babycakes, face facts. They're just like a boozer:
they're going to promise you the moon and the stars and all of the
satellites in the sky and then they're going to go back on their word.
Trust me on this one. This is something I've got some experience with.
They might throw you a bone every now and again, but damn! Kids, how
many times are you going to buy their bullshit before you kick them out
of the house?
Speaking of Iowegian politics, a good friend from Des Moines is having
John Kerry over to his establishment next week for a fundraiser and he
sent me an invite to attend earlier this morning. Yeah. Like I'm going
to fire up Nellie and shoot straight down to Des Moines to hear John
Kerry speak for forty minutes. Yep. That's right. He's only going to be
there for forty mintutes. The event runs from 4:30 to 6:30---Kerry will
be there from 5-5:40. Talk about micromanaging an invitation.
The husband and I have known M. for years. He recently moved back to
Des Moines from KC and has started up a business down there that seems
to be thriving. His family is very well connected in that nexus of Iowa
politics that seems to flourish right before the caucuses, but lurks in
the background the other three years and eleven months leading up to
them. It's not surprising that he's managed to secure this PR event
(his brother co-owns the business and he's one of five PR guys in the
entire state that has actually managed to make PR a full time career
choice, because it's Iowa---who needs PR there? Not exactly a thriving
scene that needs PR management), what's surprising is that M. still
labors under the delusion that I care about Iowa politics, particularly
Iowa Democratic politics. I wonder if I should enlighten him? Naaaaah.
Where's the fun in that?
Partisanship aside, I will say it's interesting. And if I were still
living in Des Moines I'd probably pay the $25 and go out of curiosity.
Oh, who am I kidding? I'd get M. to let me in for free since he owns
the joint, but I'd be there nonetheless. You see, I get a kick out of
how it works. I want to be the one who pulls the curtain aside and
reveals the Great and Powerful Oz to be nothing but an old man with a
lot of bells and whistles at his disposal. Just call me Toto. Alas,
however, I won't be going. But I'll see if I can get a report out of M.
about how it went. Check back next week. --- That's enough for today.
I'm pondering putting up some lists of bests and worsts of 2003
tomorrow. I figure if everyone else is doing it, well, why the hell
shouldn't I? Wouldn't want to miss out on any of the fun, would I?
Besides, I'm a sucker for peer pressure.

Posted by Kathy at December 1, 2003 02:26 PM | TrackBack
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