November 01, 2004

Ok, so Bush is suffering

Ok, so Bush is suffering a setback here in Minnesota.
As of 10:34p.m. CST
Kerry: 682,804 54% Bush: 565, 759 44%
Not good. Except when you look at the county roster.
The metro area is made up of seven counties: Hennepin (Minneapolis),
Ramsey (St. Paul), Dakota (south burbs), Washington (east of St. Paul),
Anoka (north burbs), Carver and Scott (southwest burbs). It's looking
to me like the majority of this vote that's in is coming from the metro
area---a majority liberal metro area. Except for the Iron Range up
north by Duluth, the rest of the state trends right. The percentages
seem to be staying even, even as the vote totals go up. much
of that is still metro area votes? Hmmmm.
I present idle speculation, you decide.

Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 10:51 PM | TrackBack
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