November 01, 2004

Rolling Stone has published a

Rolling Stone has published a list of the Top 500 Greatest Rock and Roll Songs.

I am hereby rejecting this list because there is not one goddamn song from the Beatles' White Album in the top fifty.

This entire list is a fraudulent self-serving and corrupt. Halliburtonesque kickbacks to be investigated by Congress shortly.

Screw 'em.

Oh, of course Bob Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone is the number one greatest rock
song---as if that qualifies as rock. Next thing you'll be telling me
that Mahler is easy listening---yet, we're supposed to believe this
thing wasn't rigged when Jakob Dylan was on the panel?
Puhleeeze. JannWennerLied/TheMusicDied!

Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 10:44 PM | TrackBack
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