November 01, 2004

protein wisdom's take on the

protein wisdom's take
on the political correctness smothering Holland in the wake of Theo Van
Gogh's murder by Islamic terrorists/murderers/fuckers:

Root causes, you know. Mr Van Gogh was evidently not
sensitive enough to the rights of Muslims to dehumanize and degrade
women. And in a multicultural society, those who are so intolerant are
just asking to have their heads sawed nearly off… Bill Quick
concludes: “These people are doomed. The Eurosocialist cancer has
eaten entirely the heart of Europe. And the testicles too, of
course.” Perhaps. But before all is said and done, I suspect we’ll
hear of at least a few instances where Dutch doctors are called upon to
remove pointy-tipped wooden shoes from the ass of some Imam or other…

One can only hope Jeff is correct and they'll wake the fuck up sometime in the near future.

Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 12:24 PM | TrackBack
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