October 01, 2004

Hey kids! What the heck

Hey kids! What the heck is going on?
Yeah. It's me. Checking in with y'all before I start packing it all up
for our flight back to the People's Republic of Minnesota later today.
The wedding went off without a hitch on Friday. Well, I shouldn't say
without a hitch, because there was a hitch---as in the groom got stuck
in construction-induced traffic and arrived at the church about an hour
and a half later than he was supposed to be there for pictures. This
was after he was almost dropped his truck off at the wrong hotel.
Understandably, it was a little tense, but Brad eventually showed up,
and all was well with the world. I've never seen a groom enjoy his own
wedding more. He was Mr. Happy throughout the ceremony and that was
nice. Margo, his bride, was cool as a cucumber---a weepy cucumber, but
she was cool nonetheless. And she was also gorgeous, too. So, they're
hitched. They're happy. We're happy, and we're getting the hell out of
this state while we've got the opportunity to do so. If one more person
says, "Kathy, I think you should move down here," I think I'll probably
strangle them. Brad's sister, with whom we also have a close
relationship, was all over us with the oft repeated question, "when are
you moving here?" Brad's mom, whom I adore, mentioned that "the kids
would love it if you moved here." Of course the inlaws dropped a few
hints. And My very good friend, Barb, who also lives here, dropped the
hint yesterday, too. Sheesh. Never have so many people been so
interested in where we should live. I find that really odd. It's nice
to be wanted, but honestly, other than seeing me more, do they really
have a say in it? Nope. And do I really want to live here? Noooooooooo.
Am not moving to Phoenix. Just not gonna do it. If, at some point in
the future we choose to escape winter living, we'll move to Texas. Not
Phoenix. While it would be fun to move somewhere you have a guaranteed
social circle from Day One, it's a. too hot here b. there's too much
driving involved to get anyplace c. my in-laws live here. Anyhoo, it's
been fun to be down here, but it's time to go home. Even though it's
cold and shitty in Minneapolis. I heard a rumor about sleet falling
over the weekend and it's not pleasing me. As we have a three-hour-plus
layover in Denver this afteroon (Hey Goldstein!
Come out to the airport and buy me a drink, damnit!) I'm going to try
to do a little wi-fi blogging, provided the smoking lounge at DIA has
free wi-fi. If I can't do that, well, the Red Sox game will be on by
that point in time and life will be fine.

Posted by Kathy at October 1, 2004 09:37 AM | TrackBack
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