October 01, 2004

Here's your question for the

Here's your question for the day:

How many people in the real, non-cybernetic, non-blogospheric world have you heard drop the word Islamofascist into casual conversation?
Not many, right?
After picking up the tuxes on Wednesday night, we were over at the
groom's house. The guys were waiting for the imminent debauchery to
become, well, imminent.
I was waiting for the bride to show up for a few minutes so I could say
"hi" and maybe make some plans because I blew off liveblogging and
needed something to do other than hang out at the in-law's house. The
debate was running on the big screen TV in the background; John Kerry's
freakishly long face was distorted even further due to the sheer number
of pixels needed to make up his ugly mug on that monstrous TV. The
topic of politics was, of course, front and center. We were all
friends, of course, so we knew this was a safe activity---for the most
part. But there was one man who was there---another groomsman---who was
new to the husband and I, at least, so we tempered our words. Just in
case. There was no need.
The minute the word "Islamofascist" slipped from his lips, I knew where
he stood, and I smiled.
I knew I had a blog reader on my hands.
But, as it turns out, that wasn't the whole story. I found out the next
night that I had an actual blogger
on my hands. He's somewhat of a newbie blogger, and isn't producing
much at the moment, but that's easily understood as he and his wife are
moving house soon. His name is Jay Swartzfeger and you can find his
blog here.
Besides being married to a very cool woman, he's a web designer (I
think that's his job. I'd actually have to find his card to confirm and
who the hell knows where that's at. I'm certainly not going looking for
it at 12:30 in the morning.), and an award winning beer and mead (yes,
that's right...mead. Turns out you really can ferment anything in your kitchen.) brewer. Go and check him out. You'll find him well worth your time.

*You might get more. You might not. Simply because I'm fickle that way.

Posted by Kathy at October 1, 2004 12:30 AM | TrackBack
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