September 01, 2004

The husband just burnt three

The husband just burnt three incense sticks and walked them through the
apartment, as if he were trying to keep the Ghost of Bruce Lee out. He
says it was to fend off the impending negativity that Grandpa will
bring with him.
The father-in-law and the husband have both gone to great lengths to
prepare me for the fact that Grandpa will probably complain up and down
the river while he's at dinner. Apparently, he's been more cantankerous
than usual throughout this entire trip. And being the good men that
they both are, father and son wanted to prepare me for the trouble that
might arise at dinner tonight. The husband gave me this anecdote to try
and explain the situation while we were at the grocery store this

See the new bakery case over there? Grandpa would love it.
Everything looks great. But then he'd see the prices on the stuff in
the bakery case and rather than just keeping his discontent to himself,
he would make it everyone's problem. And he'd be loud about it. And he
wouldn't let up.

Given the fact that these men, who only rarely overstate problems, have
both gone to pains to warn me, leads me to believe that Armageddon will
be arriving at the Cake Eater Apartment in six hours or so. I'm already
planning on ingesting copious amounts of booze. This might be a bad
idea, but I'm at a loss for anything better. Will update when it's all
said and done with. But any prayers you might be willing to offer up
for us would be greatly appreciated in the meanwhile.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 11:29 AM | TrackBack
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