September 01, 2004

Hmmmm. I find myself agreeing


I find myself agreeing with Bridget. Not that either of us have a chance of having a hurricane named after us any time in the near future,
but it would still be a perverse sort of fun if Shep Smith would talk
about Hurricane Kathy wreaking havoc on the eastern seaboard. That
said, it's kind of funny to see the names of all the friends and family
members that are on the list. Michael is up for 2006. That moniker covers the husband, Mr. H. and one of my brothers. Three for one! My cousin and his wife are both
on the list for next year---and they're right next to each other, too.
That'll keep everything Even Steven in their relationship. Chris,
while not my sister's name, is still what my mother calls her and is as
close as she's ever likely to come to having a hurricane named after
her. Christi, is just too rare a spelling for such a
circumstance to ever come to pass. Our friend Andrea will probably be
celebrating her graduation from Stanford Law School just as a force of
nature is named after her, which is rather appropriate as she is
a force of nature. My nephew Nicholas will have one named after him in
2009, which will undoubtedly please him to no end. But nowhere on this
list is Kathy/Kathleen. I'm saddened, but I will survive. Hopefully my
name will make the cut next time around.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 11:32 AM | TrackBack
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