September 01, 2004

I'm bummed. Emma at Miss

I'm bummed.

Emma at Miss Apropos has
decided to close up shop. Email has been exchanged and suffice it to
say she has her reasons---and they're good ones---so I won't harrass
her too much for choosing not to share her talents any longer. Ah well.
Such is life. However, since she's no longer around, I've removed her
link from my puny blogroll. It feels odd to have done this: she was one
of the first people who added me onto her blogroll, and whatever
limited success I have in blogging is partially due to her. Since I
choose not to be a link whore, when I get added onto a blogroll, it's
generally a big deal here in Cake Eater Land. I whoop and holler and
praise God that I'm not out in the ether anymore. But even more so, it
means someone has read me and likes my stuff enough to go through the
pains of adding to a blogroll, rather than that they are just
reciprocating for a link because it's good manners. Emma was the second
person to notice my stuff, through a comment I left at another
now-defunct-for-the-time-being blog, and without any promotion on my
part, wrote a very nice post about me and added me onto her blogroll.
So, it feels very odd that she's no longer in business. I, for one,
will miss her and wish her nothing but the best.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 10:19 AM | TrackBack
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