September 01, 2004

A commenter here and at

A commenter here and at other blogs has decided to take the Great Leap Forward and start up her own. I know she'll be more successful with her Great Leap than Mao was with his. Go and visit Kitty at Traces of Time and spread the love.

I've also been remiss in not pointing you in the direction of Effortless Atrocities,
which is written by a character who goes by the name of Prufrock and
who has some very interesting insights. He/she is also a friend of
seldom sober (at least the blogroll seems to indicate as much) who I
think has to be the biggest blogging enabler I've met yet. Both blogs
are well worth your time, so point your mousie and click away.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 10:25 AM | TrackBack
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