September 01, 2004

Oh, My. That Certainly Doesn't

My. That Certainly Doesn't Look Good.
This is the pier at Destin, FL. Which is about ten miles and one
causeway from where my folks stay in Ft. Walton. I have to say, it's
impressive, because this is not an area that's known for massive
quantities of surf. It's pretty calm most of the time. Which makes this
all the more amazing because---ahem---the hurricane hasn't hit yet.
This is just a workup.
Keep all the folks down there in your thoughts and prayers. This is
going to be ugly.
And here's a little memo to my cousin if he happens to be reading: if
you haven't evacuated yet, GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE!

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 11:53 AM | TrackBack
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