September 01, 2004

Martha wants to get her

Martha wants to get her jail time over and done with.

NEW YORK - Martha Stewart (news - web sites) said Wednesday she has decided to surrender for prison as soon as possible, citing the need to "put this nightmare behind me and get on with my life." The millionaire businesswoman was sentenced in July to five months in prison and five months of house arrest after she was convicted of lying about a stock sale. The 63-year-old Stewart will do five months in a federal prison — likely getting out early next year — followed by five months of house arrest. A federal judge allowed her to stay out of prison while she pursued an appeal, but Stewart asked to serve her time anyway. She said she wanted to get the matter behind her and her company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. "I must reclaim my good life," she said. {...}Stewart, who had promised immediately after her conviction to battle to prove her innocence. had recently appeared resigned to swapping her expansive suburban home for a jail cell. After her July sentencing, Stewart said she would have no problem doing the time. "I could do it," she said in an interview with ABC. "I'm a really good camper. ... There are many, many good people who have gone to prison. Look at Nelson Mandela."
Um, Martha. You traded stock on insider information. You're going to spend five months in the pokey, with another five months of ankle bracelet treatment. Nelson Mandela spent almost thirty years in prison, breaking rocks on Robben Island as a victim of political repression.

Not exactly the same thing, is it? Hmmmm?

Nelson didn't belong in prison. You, on the other hand, do belong in prison.

Think about that before you go declaring yourself to be a "good person."

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 12:05 PM | TrackBack
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