The husband and I packed a picnic lunch and then meandered over to Lake
Harriet this afternoon.
Not an unusual activity for us, you'll note if you're a regular reader,
but today's activities at the lake were unusual. A
local businessman decided the bandshell looked like crap, so he rounded
up businesses to donate time, money and supplies toward painting the
bandshell and the surrounding buildings. Today is re-dedication
day. Since it was sunny and eighty-five degrees, and they were having
loads of live music, we decided it would be a fun thing to do to get us
out of the house.
We were right and it was well-worth venturing out of the land of air
conditioning and wi-fi internet connections. While it was warm outside,
we managed to snag a good spot in the shade (and one that was
immediately jumped upon when we vacated)and enjoyed the nice, constant
breeze that was blowing off the lake. And thank goodness for that
breeze, too. People would have been dropping like flies from the
heatstroke otherwise. Since we were packing up the backpack with all
sorts of necessities, the husband threw in the digital camera and I got
the opportunity to act as (as the husband phrased it) "Kathy the Cake
Eater: Cub Reporter."
If today wasn't a nice day where you are, we'll share and you can take
vicarious pleasure in our wanderings. As always, if you truly think
bigger is better, click to enlarge.
The Bandshell From Our Vantage Point
They Even Chipped Out For A New Flag
Some fool thinks he's actually going to get something good out of the Strib's Op-Ex Section.
The Ice Cream Palace (aka The husband's favorite place at the lake)
Kevin Bowe (tan shirt) and a few of the Okemah Prophets.
The bandshell from the lake side. I almost fell into the lake taking this photo.
The event rated a video wall! We've hit the big time, baby!
the hell do you think you're doing?" sez the husband. We had a good
time but we left before Mick Sterling, The Minnesota Orchestra, The
Honeydogs and one of my personal favorites, Boogie Wonderland, started
up. It should be a fun night over at the lake, and if you live in the
Cities, I would highly recommend making the time to go over. It's gotta
be better than sitting around your house reading worthless blogs.