September 01, 2004

Ok, so it's still in

Ok, so it's still in progress and I'm sitting here, trying to push
Kerry into the background, but I have a few observations:
Bush is doing well. But for the love of God, there really are times
when I wish he was a better extemperaneous speaker. The "uh's" and
"um's" drive me battier than a English Granny with ninety-seven cats.
Kerry, while highly wonkish, isn't doing too bad. However, I don't
think his "tough" stance is going to bring anyone around, simply for
the reason he's jumped around too much on Iraq. There's too much
evidence to the contrary. Who's to say he's not going to change his
mind---again---next week. That and he reminds me of a schoolboy with
his earnest notetaking, like he's trying to win by being conscientious.
For more liveblogging, go to Llamabutchers. Steve-o's blogging it live via dial-up. Go and throw him a bone or two. Vodkapundit was going to do the same, but when I tried to visit, his server was down. He's back up and running. Go visit.

UPDATE: Bush just said "moolah" instead of "mullah" and "nuklar"
in one sentence. Sheesh. Texas accent or no, it's just makes me cringe.
UPDATE II: Is it just me or did Kerry just flip-flop on Iraq...again?

UPDATE III: Nuclear proliferation is your greatest priority? Huh?

And he just invoked the Ghost of Kennedy.


UPDATE IV: Imagined Laura Bush whisperings to Teresa Heinz Kerry: You do know you're not supposed to wear white after Labor Day, don't you? Darling, it's just not done. Reaaallly.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 08:41 PM | TrackBack
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