August 01, 2004

We're off to the land

We're off to the land of my birth tomorrow morning. A grueling
six hour drive, which considering if I flew, even though it's less than
an hour flight, I'd spend half that time just dealing with the
post-9/11 travel vagaries, isn't really all that grueling. I can deal
with it. We're packed. I have to make some sandwiches for lunch and
then I have to pick up the car at the rental place first thing in the
morning. (Yeah, that's right...Nellie hasn't been replaced yet.
Patience, grashopper.) If past experiences with this particular rental
company branch are any indication, we'll probably get upgraded. It's
kinda like the lottery: I reserve one car, but around and around the
wheel goes, where it stops nobody knows. Particularly the guys who run
this branch office. They've got a high turnover rate---never the same
person twice and they generally don't attract what one would call a
"quality hire." Generally speaking, they never have the car I've
reserved available, so they have to upgrade me. Poor me. Two years ago
at Christmas, this meant we got to drive a Cadillac STS to Omaha---at
the price of Standard. Good deal, no? I think there's only been one
time when we haven't been bumped up a notch or two. We'll have to see
if it happens this time around. Keep your fingers crossed that it's
something good. Anyway, we've got a full schedule whilst we're down in
the land o' my birth, but the main reason we're going is, as I might
have mentioned, to participate in the Walk to Cure Diabetes. I want to
again to all the wonderful people who contributed. You've made this
year's effort an outstanding success and we're all really pumped about
the outcome! The final tally {insert drum roll here} $3285,
$365 of which was raised via The Cake Eater Chronicles! You guys are
GREAT! Thank you so very much again for making James' cause your own
and contributing so generously. I'm so very thankful!
I'll be taking pictures at the walk on Saturday and I'll post them when
I get a chance. Have a great weekend and I'll see you sometime on
Tuesday, if not before.

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 12:01 AM | TrackBack
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