July 01, 2004

Not really, but close enough.

Not really, but close enough. What's the deal with it being midnight?
What's the importance? you ask. Well, at midnight the date rolls over
to July 29, 2004, which just happens to be the husband's birthday. The
husband is referenced in everyday, non-blogging, life as Michael. Or
Mike, as I like to call him. He would be the member of the phylla
Geekus Extraordinarius, the former Star Wars Galaxies player, the guru
behind the tweaking of this site's template and fixer of all that goes
wrong with Wee Bastard, and also happens to be the man whom I abuse on
a regular basis here on the blog. Fortunately for me, he's a good sport
and puts up with it. If anyone deserves to have a happy birthday, it's
him. So, anyway...Happy 34th, love. I hope this year is the one where
all your dreams come true.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 11:44 PM | TrackBack
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