July 01, 2004

Well, I fixed it. No

Well, I fixed it. No thanks to anyone from Blogger Support, those lame,
worthless bunch of lackeys who couldn't even bother to---ahem--- answer an email within a twenty-four hour period.
The new graphical interface posting window has been inserting all sorts
of extra code into posts. Apparently, on the post related to Andrew
Gilligan there was something odd in the code that set the whole damn
thing off. I have no idea what it was, but the post has been deleted
and will not reappear lest it gives me crap again. So, what to do?
Well, I'll be sticking with Blogger for the time being, as there is an
option where I can simply write in the old-fashioned straight-up HTML
window and life should be fine. Gawd, what a runaround for very
freakin' little.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 09:01 PM | TrackBack
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