July 01, 2004

Mohammed at Iraq the Model

Mohammed at Iraq the Model response to the suicide bombing in Iraq today (hat tip: Martini Boy)

What hurts more than this daily terror is the soft way the world is using to deal with the situation. I believe that the presence of this terror is just a matter of time, as hatred and deception can’t last forever, but the reactions of some parts provide it with the support it needs and give it a second chance. Yes, all we need is the will and determination to crush a company that is so close to bankruptcy but the disgraceful doings of some parts postpone it once again, like what Spain, Manilla and Egypt lately did. What’s even worse and disgusting is that these governments smugly come and ask the admirably determined nation Australia to apologize while it’s them who must apologize to the whole world for their awful mistakes that encouraged terrorists and reassured them that their criminal tactics can work. These countries have found excuses for terror and gave the terrorists the motives to carry on with their plans as long as these plans can make "sovereign countries" yield in front of a true criminal action. They’re cooperating with the criminals and they make it easier for terrorists to increase their activities in Iraq and elsewhere. This is the goal of terror and this is what these countries offered the terrorists on a gold plate. They’ve said clearly "do more of your work, as it will definitely bring an outcome that satisfy your sickness and illusions".
This will undoubtedly be the most linked piece in the blogosphere today, but go and read the whole thing. It's important. Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 10:20 PM | TrackBack
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