June 01, 2004

...that on blogs the term

...that on blogs the term "meme" generally can be easily interchanged with the phrase "email chain survey"?

Screw it. It's still fun.

Go here and read through all of it.

Here's my list of favorite characters from fiction (movies, tv, or books)

(In no particular order)

1. L.B. Jeffries
2. James Alexander Malcom McKenzie Fraser (Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon)
3. Fr. Lorenzo Quart
4. Jack Ryan
5. Elizabeth Bennett
6. Fitzwilliam Darcy
7. Eleanor Anne Arroway
8. Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes)
9. Jonathan Pine
10. Trinity
11. Sabrina Duncan
12. Ian Pearse
13. Flavia di Stefano
14. Indiana Jones
15. The Bishop
16. Hans Gruber
17. Joe Bradley
18. Jeff Goldstein. Oh, wait. It's got to be fictional. Well, if I can't have Jeff, I suppose I'll have to have Bond. James Bond.
19. Eleanor of Aquitaine
20. Bridget Jones (and this is Bridget of the book, not the incessantly idiotic Bridget of the movie)

That should do it for now.

(Oh, and Robert el Llama Butchers---we're going to have it out about Emma vs. Elizabeth one day.)

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 09:52 PM | TrackBack
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