June 01, 2004

This would only be possible

This would only be possible if the UN actually meant to follow its
charter. Which I don't think it means to. How can I say this? Well,
Sudan is still on the Human Rights Commission. Even though they're allowing this to happen.

UNITED NATIONS - U.N. humanitarian chief Jan Egeland criticized the Sudanese government Monday for blocking aid workers, food and equipment from reaching the Darfur region, where 2 million people desperately need humanitarian aid. Calling Darfur the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today, Egeland told the U.N. Security Council that relief agencies are trying to get food, water, sanitation equipment and tents to the western Sudanese region before the rainy season. "We've been working for many, many weeks in a race against the clock, and we see that the government which should do its utmost to help us is still not helping," he said. "Some ministers are helping us, but some of their subordinates are sabotaging us."
Rant ahead. Beware. What the fuck is your problem, people? You're the ones who allowed the Sudanese to stay on the Human Rights Commission in what I can only think is some misguided attempt to keep them in the UN fold. Right? This was your feebleminded attempt to make sure that you didn't ostracize Sudan. We wouldn't want them to feel as if the International Community was picking on them, would we? Can't have that. How would we ever get them to cooperate if they felt ostracized? Wake up and smell the coffee, eh? They're using your actions against you. Peace accord in the south. Is that ringing a bell? They're using the peace accord in the south to keep donor nations from coughing up. But noooooo. You're about as sophisticated as a six-month-old thumbsucker. This is all about the moral high ground and how you ain't got it no more. Don't whine to the media. They can't do a fucking thing. They don't even have bureaus in Africa. Don't whine to the Security Council. They don't care. Don't plead to the Secretary-General to get it done, because he's already got a few genocides on his hands---it's hard to get him to care anymore. Quit your bitching and GET. IT. DONE. eeeeeeeeeeeeeediots!

GOD! People are dying by the thousands and more will die by the end of the summer if you don't STOP WAITING FOR FUCKING VISAS TO BE APPROVED BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING!
Think outside of the box, would you? Can you do that? Would it be
possible for you to let your mind wander away from UN approved thought
patterns so, you know, the beleaguered people in Darfur can get what
they need? You're all reportedly smart people, you should be able to
think of something that will get around the "host" (some fucking host
the Sudanese are) nation and help the people that need helping.
Give a good goddamn.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 09:53 PM | TrackBack
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