June 01, 2004

So, here's a question for

So, here's a question for all you moonbats. What's so hard to understand about this?

Al Qaeda justified kidnapping Johnson, saying "the gunfire of Apache helicopters was killing Muslims in Afghanistan and Palestine." "The blood of Muslims is being spilled all over the globe and by the will of God, the blood of this parasite will flow in the rivers of blood of Crusaders that will run this blessed year," the statement said. "Muslims in the East and the West, we took a vow upon our selves to make you victorious and we will not fail. God has unleashed the mujahideen upon the Crusaders, and they love death as much as you (Westerners) love life," it added.

Straight from the horse's mouth. Not Bush's. Not Blair's. Al-Qaeda's.

Learn who your enemy is. It's not George W. Bush. It's not Tony Blair. It's the guys who would use the word sacrifice
to describe your murder to the world press. You're just a sheep to
them. A sheep worth slaughtering. No amount of moral equivocation will
get you around the fact that they want to kill you and understanding them isn't going to keep them from beheading you with a rusty knife.

Jesus. Are you really so stupid?


Yes, yes. I know. I shouldn't even bother trying. They just won't see it. I had to try.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 08:24 PM | TrackBack
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