June 01, 2004

Well, not really. Robert fired

Well, not really. Robert fired his first salvo on Friday, but what with the instalanche and me feeling incredibly lazy this weekend I hadn't gotten around to replying.

Then I saw this.Robert's not feeling well.
He went and did manly things yesterday and wound up with a case of
heatstroke. Poor guy. So, I will hold off on talking trash to get a
rise out of an ill man. Methinks that's just not fair. It sounds like
something Lady Catherine DeBurgh would do and I just can't get behind
that sort of malevolence. (You know, because I don't think Steve's
going to assume the persona of Mr. Collins and boost his ego, either.)
But anyway...striking a man when he's down...well, that's just not
right. It's not sporting. So, the trash talk will ensue when Robert's
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Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 08:26 PM | TrackBack
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