June 01, 2004

Allow me to repeat myself.

Allow me to repeat myself. Good.
One can only hope the Saudi security services who found and killed this
bastard made sure he wasn't going to attain martyr status.
I'm currently reading this
and I have to admit, I enjoy Clancy's cleverness. Without spoiling it
for everyone, let's just say there are some Muslim men who want to
become martyrs. They've prepared themselves, according to their
religion, and after doing the deed that will gain them entrance into
paradise and the requisite seventy-two virgins, one of their number's
hopes for paradise is derailed when one of the heroes puts a football
in the dying martyr's hands. "Pigskin," he says, as he watches the
guy's eyes go wide with fear right before he dies.
Rather satisfying, if I don't say so myself.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 10:19 PM | TrackBack
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