May 01, 2004

...I'm a bad, bad girl.

...I'm a bad, bad girl. No, that's not the tidbit that rumor has. Shit.
That's common knowledge. I'm a bad girl because I like going to Gawker and Defamer
and peeking around. I particularly love the Gawker Stalker---it's like
working at the mall and selling Chaka Khan a cup of coffee all over again!

These venerable gossip blogs who read the Post's Page Six for me so I don't have to feel dirty, have reported often that Owen Wilson has a blog. Go here and
check out the alleged scene of the crime. Thing is, we don't know that
this is Owen's blog, because "Rance" is a psuedonym. Now, I can
understand why a Hollywood big shot of Owen's stature would want to
keep a low profile---if he's "Rance." You couldn't dish the dirt if
people knew it was you, could you? And it's not like he's ever going to
come clean because no one would believe him if he did. Now, Gawker and
Defamer say that this is his blog. They've made their decision. However
sure they are of themselves, I'm not. I can see him writing it, though.
Owen's always struck me as a clever guy, and if he's killing hours in
his trailer by writing a blog, well, more power to him. Go and check it
out if you get the chance. He seems to be absorbed by puzzles.
Although, Owen---if it is you---one bit of advice: get the hell off of
tripod. There are better blogging services out there. You can probably
even afford Moveable Type now. Hell, even Blogger's gotta be better
than Tripod.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 11:07 PM | TrackBack
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