May 01, 2004

Apparently the UN Department of

Apparently the UN Department of Public Information would like the media
to start covering some stories they believe are underreported. They
have ten recommendations, just to get the media started.

Uganda: Child soldiers at centre of mounting humanitarian crisis Central African Republic: a silent crisis crying out for help AIDS orphans in sub-Saharan Africa: a looming threat to future generations The peacekeeping paradox: as peace spreads, surge in demand strains UN resources Tajikistan: rising from the ashes of civil war Women as peacemakers: from victims to re-builders of society Persons with disabilities: a treaty seeks to break new ground in ensuring equality Bakassi Peninsula: Recourse to the law to prevent conflict Overfishing: a threat to marine biodiversity Indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation

While I will agree that these stories could use more coverage, I have a list for the media as well.

3. Benon Sevon and the fact he's keeping his diplomatic immunity
5. UN Peacekeepers horrible human rights record.
6. The UN's failure in Sudan. Darfur in particular and the UN's horrific policy of not letting those on foot enter refugee camps.
8. Lakhdar Brahimi's latent pro-Palestinian position
9. Sudan's election to the UN human rights commission

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 04:04 PM | TrackBack
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