May 01, 2004

Two examples of just how

Two examples of just how friggin' weird, at times, it is to live here.
1. Bumper sticker spotted on a Hunter Green Chrysler Town and Country
(with all the trimmings)at 50th and Xerxes.
I'm Doing My Part to Piss Off Right Wing Radicals!Congratulations,
asshole. But, far be it from me to point out the fact you didn't
achieve that goal by the righteousness of your political viewpoint. You
did that by not turning on your turn signal and subsequently blocking
traffic because you were too busy pontificating with your hands while
you sat in the middle of the intersection.
2. I live across a busy street from a Lutheran Church. They're big on
"community involvement," and since their church has a nice flow-through
driveway, they loan the front driveway out to whatever youth group from
the nearby high school that needs a spot to hold a car wash. They do
this on a regular basis during the warmer months. It's never a good
sign when there are kids over there on a Friday afternoon. This means
that Friday after school was the only slot available on the schedule.
Come tomorrow, there will be at least three different student clubs
holding car washes all damn day long.
We've lived here for five years. The pattern has become obvious. Three
things that make this an annoying addition to spring.
1. The kids scream their lungs out at cars that are flying by at 40
mph. There is no way in hell the cars can stop. If they would just go
two blocks down and did their thing at the stoplight, they'd get more
cars than they could handle. Apparently, though, they don't teach logic
at Minneapolis Public High Schools. 2. The cars that fly by at 40 mph
always honk when they see the nubile bikini-clad teenage girls standing
on the street, trying to lure customers like a hooker lures a john. And
they honk frequently and loudly.
3. The church apparently has NO issues with the fact that there are
nubile bikini-clad teenage girls out on the corner trying to lure
easily led men into their parking lot. Yeah, that's Christianity for
you. As long as it's all for a good cause. I need a glass of wine.
UPDATE Just walked to the drugstore and back. The student
organization du jour is the Track and Field team. No girls in bikinis
this time round: however, there are plenty of VERY skinny, very
shirtless teenage boys lining the street, their car wash signs placed
strategically to make it seem as if they're naked. It's a pedophile's
wet dream.
Don't they have @#@!#$! bake sales anymore?

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 04:04 PM | TrackBack
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