May 01, 2004

China's apparently not too enthused

China's apparently not too enthused
about the President of Taiwan's pro-independence position. So much so
that they're threatening to put everything they've worked so hard for
aside to threaten the Taiwanese.

May 19 (Bloomberg) -- China stepped up threats of attack
against Taiwan a day before President Chen Shui-bian's inauguration,
saying it would be willing to forfeit strong U.S. ties, economic growth
and the success of the 2008 Beijing Olympics to quash independence
moves by force. ``The mainland is ready to afford a slowdown in its
modernization bid, a reversion in Sino-U.S. ties and the boycott of the
Olympic Games,'' government-owned China Daily quoted Xu Bodong,
director of the Institute of Taiwan Studies at Beijing United
University, as saying. Chen, 53, an advocate of Taiwan independence,
takes the oath of office for a second term at noon tomorrow in Taipei.
China is trying to pressure him to soften his anti-China stance in his
inaugural speech, China Daily said. ``It could be just a matter of them
making it crystal clear how they feel,'' said Michael DeGolyer,
international studies professor at Hong Kong Baptist University. This
week's attacks on Taiwan may be ``rhetorical overshoot,'' he said.

Clancy-speak: Anyone have any idea of how many boats have been deployed
from Diego Garcia lately? I sincerely hope the US had already
anticipated the PRC's itchy nervousness and currently has at least ONE
air craft carrier deployed in the South China Sea. Second bit of Clancy
Speak: Where the #$%% does the PRC get off laying down that type of
threat? And is their unusual bluntness related to our recent troubles
in Iraq? Do they think they could actually get away with such a
maneuver because we've got our hands full?

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 11:39 PM | TrackBack
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