May 01, 2004

This is just freaking horrible.

This is just freaking horrible. (Courtesy of one of Michele's commenters)
Everyone has been ranting and raving about this all day long. The
general replies are twofold: I'm glad I've got the originals on VHS and
Lucas will have to pry them out of my cold dead fingers to get them
back and that the fat cat is where he is because of us; that they're
our movies, too, etc. I've just got one point to add: when's he going
to edit out the work of an actor who's still living? Sebastian Shaw died in 1994.
So far, he's only fooled with bits and pieces related to CGI wonders
and has fiddled with the plot to make it more kiddie-friendly(HAN SHOT
FIRST, DAMNIT!). Now he's descrating the work of a man who cannot
object to this treatment because he's no longer with us. If that's not
the ultimate cheap shot, I don't know what is.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 05:17 PM | TrackBack
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