May 01, 2004

Don't you just love it

Don't you just love it when you turn on your computer in the morning
and it decides to tell you that it can't open your settings because there's some corrupted memory file and it would prefer to open up an entirely new user in XP?

You just love it when that happens, right? To use Caribou speak: it's not a problem, it's a challenge!
Screw that. My former employers were always a little too chipper.
The husband is being the diligent master of all things computer-y right
now and is trying to reconstruct Wee Bastard to where it was last
night. He says he's about 95% there, but some of my stuff has to go.
That's fine---he's picking and choosing stuff that I haven't used in a
while---like the BMW Film Player I had to download when I wanted to
watch all those "Driver" films. After all, one of them was
Frankenheimer's last piece of work. That was important in more ways
than just the obvious time killing ones. But it has to go. Sigh. That's
fine. I'll live without it, I'm sure.
This happens at least once a year. Wee Bastard, a Compaq Armada laptop,
is a great computer most of the time---ever since we put XP on it. It
hasn't really deserved its name since 2001, but before that...well, it
wasn't pleasant. You see, Wee Bastard is one of those laptops the
husband kept because the company he was consulting for had decided not
to pay him. It was originally purchased in Kuwait City. It came with an
Arabic/English keyboard and a bastardized Arabic Enabled version of
Windows 98, which sucked bullets. I'd be working in Word, typing away,
and all of a sudden, I'd look up and there would be a whole page full
of Arabic characters. This of course, says nothing about how freaking
unstable the thing was constantly crashing, and more so than a
regular version of 98. So, really, I've been fighting my own war with
the Arabs for the past couple of years, only they've gotten to me in
sneaky ways.
Ah, the husband tells me that I need to vamoose from his
computer---Gandalf---and go back to my own. Sigh. Thank goodness. It's
up, but we have to do maintenence this weekend. Relief. I was really
afraid there. When your computer decides it would really rather don a
Che T-shirt and become a full fledged member of the Rebellion, thank
you ever so much---you begin to worry.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 10:50 AM | TrackBack
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