May 01, 2004

There are days when I

There are days when I wonder if, in the human race, there are varying
sizes of brains. I read once that, in the natural kingdom, there can be
different brain sizes within the same species. The example they put
forth was that of squirrels. I wonder if this is true for humans. If
so, Hugo Chavez is in the tiny human brain category.

In his latest jibe against the U.S. leader, the outspoken left-wing Venezuelan president urged Bush to use his planned visit to the Vatican on June 4 to announce the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. "Even though he's not a Catholic ... he should ask God's forgiveness at the Vatican ... go down on his knees in front of the Pope and ask for the forgiveness of the world, not just the Iraqi people," Chavez told a news conference Friday in Caracas.

{Insert hand going to forehead. SLAP!}

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 11:00 AM | TrackBack
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