May 01, 2004

No, it's not Al-Qaeda who's

No, it's not Al-Qaeda who's going to scare you into converting. (At
least not yet)
It's the Pentecostals.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two preachers grounded a flight leaving Buffalo, New York, after they frightened passengers by declaring the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were a good reason to pray, officials said on Thursday. One preacher told fellow passengers as the Continental Airlines plane taxied down the runway, "Your last breath on earth is the first one in heaven as long as you are born again and have Jesus in your heart," according to FBI (news - web sites) spokesman Paul Moskal. Passengers on the Wednesday flight to Newark, New Jersey told a flight attendant, who alerted the plane's captain, officials said. The captain turned the plane around. "They were sincere in their beliefs and were not malicious," Moskal said by telephone from Buffalo. "In the context of 9/11 it may not have been the best way to promote their religion."

Gives new meaning to the phrase, "repent now or suffer the fires of damnation," doesn't it?

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 11:18 PM | TrackBack
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