May 01, 2004

--- I believe I've mentioned

--- I believe I've mentioned our screwy procedures for putting up
photos here. I take them off the camera, send them to the husband, he
completes any editing that might need to be done, puts them up on his
business server and then sends back a nice image link for me to place
here. A friend in England sent me some treats today, and this was in
the package. It made me laugh in a Beavis-ish way and so I took a
picture and followed the routine. The husband sent back more than a
link. First, the photo:

Second, the husband's words:

"Most wives threaten to open a can of whoop ass....mine brings out
the spotted dick. A much more insidious threat, if you ask me."

Third, a semi-related thought for the evening before logging off and going to bed:

Do you think Theresa Heinz Kerry pulls out one of these every time John gets the wandering eye, and shouts "REMEMBER WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM, JAG-OFF!"

Just wondering.

It's promise and threat, all rolled into one tasty concoction.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 11:26 PM | TrackBack
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