December 01, 2003

--- Hiya Kids. Sorry I

--- Hiya Kids.
Sorry I missed yesterday. It's the husband's fault. I couldn't get on
the internet because of a networking issue we seem to have when he
accesses this one interface his client requires him to. Quite
complicated in actuality, but the result isn't---BOOT! Ah well. I was
working on a Matrix essay for you guys, but alas, didn't get it done. Needs editing---badly. Maybe I'll get it up here, maybe I won't.

The suspense will make your life unbearable in the meantime. I just know it will.

--- Funny.

Ah, Graydon Carter, publishing guru/batman nemesis, strikes again.

--- Eeeew.
You know, just when you thought you'd really seen the depths of
depravity humanity could hit, you're surprised anew with something like
this. Although, just a quick walk on the sick side of things, what does human flesh taste like?

Hmmm. There's your question of the day.

--- Congratulations. Someone finally gets it. Or do they?
Too bad the organizers don't realize that if an out of state
student---particularly one who pays out of state tuition (Penn is a
state school)----by registering to vote in Pennsylvania, they're
technically disenfranchising themselves in their rush to get a
president elected.
On one hand, I find it refreshing that students and people in general
are actually paying attention to the Electoral College for a change.
It's interesting to watch average people formulate strategies to "make
their vote count more". The lesson of the 2000 election was actually
learned in some quarters. That is impressive, no matter which side of
the fence you sit on. And maybe, just maybe, it means that sometime in
the near future, people will get sick of the stupid Electoral College
and there will be enough support to get rid of it entirely. But on the
other, do these kids realize that they're not really upholding
democracy by registering in Pennsylvania? Because, I'm telling ya right
now, every congressional representative from the state of Pennsylvania
is thanking them for their support: these are free votes they'll get
this year---they won't have to do a damn thing to keep them next time
around because they know full well the students will probably be gone.
These students are going to keep incumbents in office---incumbents that
average tax payers probably hate and would love to see dethroned will
be kept in because some stupid student wanted their vote to count for
the presidency and just voted a straight ticket down the line, adding
their support where they thought it was needed. And they'll still be
paying out of state tuition in the meanwhile. Suckers.

Posted by Kathy at December 1, 2003 03:42 PM | TrackBack

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