December 01, 2003

--- There was absolutely nothing

--- There was absolutely nothing of worth to blog about yesterday. To quote the Barenakedladies It{'d} all been done. I took the day to do laundry, instead.

Today, however, is a completely different story, so let's get down to it, shall we?

--- Oh, yeah, cutting France and Germany out of the reconstruction bids really
hurt the debt relief effort.
Sha. Honestly, if the scientific community does nothing else for the
rest of its collective life regarding cloning, they should at least
figure it out once so we can always have James Baker around.

--- Where's Sherlock Holmes when you need him?

If he could handle the Hounds of the Baskervilles, no doubt he could take on some pesky cats.

--- Had a great laugh last night, courtesy of the the late, but not great, Strom Thurmond.

Oh, the hypocrisy!

--- I simply cannot wait for Dennis Miller's show to hit CNBC. I've missed him so!

As Sullivan would say, here's the money quote:

Your politics have drifted right in recent years. How come?

I'm left on a lot of things. If two gay guys want to get married, I
could care less. If a nut case from overseas wants to blow up their
wedding, that's when I'm right. (Sept. 11) was a big thing for me. I
was saying to liberal America, "Well, what are you offering?" And they
said, "Well, we're not going to protect you, and we want some more
money." That didn't interest me.

A daily dose of Dennis is shortly in the offing! Junkiedom, here I come!

{Insert sound of slapping veins in arm here}

--- Leave it to Tim Blair to take the wind out my sails.


Here I was ready to go, once again, whole hog on the Vatican, but noooooooooo.
Tim has to do it first, damnit. And of course, he does it well and
quickly, which would not be the case with me. Grrrrrrr.
But I have a few things to add.
So it seems, according to the Vatican's standards of what is and is not
allowed, you can be a brutal, repressive, and murderous dictator and
it's shameful for you to be treated like "a cow." But
choose to partake in non-reproductive sex, and you're a sinner and you
need to repent. Saddam's allowed his dignity, of course, according to
Cardinal Martino. Millions of Catholics worldwide, however, aren't.
Hell, Saddam's a heretic according to the Catholic Church's
bylaws. Isn't he going straight to hell, anyway? Why do you have pity
for him? If you actually had pity for him Cardinal, shouldn't you be
sending a priest over to the jail to convert him? You know, to do the
whole soul saving job on him? Only then he'd be worth your pity. Right
now he's just a sinner. And we all know how fond the Catholic Church is
of sinners. Last time I checked, pride was still one of the seven
deadly sins. Saddam is the perfect example of the sin of pride. He's
also just as guilty on the charge of vanity, but we'll leave that for
another time. It is worth noting, however, that Cardinal Martino is
just as guilty of the sin of pride. We were right when we said this was an unjust war! Neener, neener, neener!
If that isn't pride, I don't know what is. What we have here kids is
yet another example of how JP II isn't running the show over at Pete's
place anymore. Think about it. And then, if you're a Catholic, worry
about the ramifications.
--- So, if Charlie Trotter worships Ayn Rand, what philosopher is responsible for Anthony Bourdain's leanings?

Hmmmm. Marcus Aurelius, perhaps? Nah. He always said to stay away from the twitchings of impulse. Hmmmm. AHA! I've got it!

St. Augustine. Give me chastity, but do not give it yet!

--- Ok, now I'm a starvin' Marvin, so I'm off to reheat some spaghetti for lunch.

Ciao for now!

Posted by Kathy at December 1, 2003 01:23 PM | TrackBack
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