April 21, 2005

Run, Forrest! RUN!

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are reportedly engaged.

God help us all.

We all know from watching Alias that Jennifer could probably do a four-minute mile if she pushed it. I would highly recommend running. That boy has serious issues.

In other Alias related news: I simply cannot believe that they're going to kill off Jack. I want to weep in my beer. I adore Daddy Bristow. Daddy Bristow is sexy as all hell (even though it appears Daddy Bristow is gay in real life.). He's one of the major reasons why I watch Alias. I don't want him to die! Waaaaaaah. Jack's like a sexy Henry Kissinger who not only knows about balance of power intimately---and could write you a thesis on it---but also knows how to throw a mean karate chop if needs be. Could you ask for more? I don't think so.

And for those of you who might think I'm a wee bit obsessive about this, just know that the husband has been rooting for Mommy to come back for quite some time and still holds out hope that Jack didn't actually do the dreaded deed and that's she's alive somewhere. Even if Sydney did see the body and buried her. This is Alias we're talking about, here, kids. Anything's possible.

Posted by Kathy at April 21, 2005 02:38 PM

Did they kill Jack last night?

We haven't seen much of Alias this season, as a result of the new night/time. We aren't big on recording and watching TV later, either. The show kind of jumped the shark once Sydney and Michael did it, and even moreso once Syd joined the CIA.

And while the actress who plays Irina Derevko may be 12 years older than me, I always thought she had it going on. I, too, have doubted that she's actually gone. By all means, bring her back.

Posted by: JohnL at April 21, 2005 03:46 PM

I can't bring you entirely up to date, but the short story is that two weeks ago, Sydney, Vaughn and Daddy were sent to a nuclear plant in remotest Siberia to recover a transformer coil that a mad scientist was using to mutate human DNA radically. One of the test subjects "melted" in about three minutes. Sydney was in the room, trying to get the coil, but a snafu occurred and the reactor turned on at the same time. To save her from being melted, Jack went into the reactor to shut it down and was exposed to a huge amount of radiation.

They've been working their way up to it, but it looks as if Daddy's going to buy the farm. Sigh. Unless they have an Alias twist up their sleeve, which is conceivable.

Posted by: Kathy at April 21, 2005 04:52 PM

hmmmmm. Maybe the CIA will stuff his corpse in a photon torpedo tube and launch it into the newly created Genesis Planet. Someone will have to store his consciousness until the Genesis Daddy reaches full maturity, but other than that, I don't see any serious credibility problems. ;)

Oh, and Ben? With the death spiral his career is traveling down, that pretty boy is MAYBE two flicks away from performing in gay porn. How 'ya like THEM apples, Bennie?

Posted by: Russ from Winterset at April 21, 2005 09:10 PM
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