March 16, 2005

It's New Divas Feature Time!

So, my fellow divas and I have been chatting. We have decided about some stuff that we're keeping under wraps until it's ready to go. But there is one upcoming event I felt I should tell you all about since it's happening in, er, TWO DAYS! We've decided that---even though it appears we're probably a bit hopped up on the power of estrogen---we're going to start a weekly advice column, running every Friday. We're calling it, ahem, Divas Sez

Yeah. I know. You can stop laughing any time you feel would be appropriate. Now would probably be a good time. Lest we kick your ass. There are four of us and one of you...who do you honestly think is going to win that battle, eh? Particularly if we're all wearing heels. Be rational about it.

Anyway, since we round robin the topic picking, we've decided to do the same with just who is going to answer the questions. This week, it has been decided, it will be little ol' me who answers your deepest wonderings about the fairer sex. Should be good fun, no?

Anyone* can ask a question about anything, really. We may just not answer it. It all depends. We will, however, try to restrain ourselves from mocking any email we receive---provided we can help ourselves. We will respect anyonymity if the author of a letter requests it, but this should not be seen as a request for trolls to put their two cents in. If you have a question you need answered by a smart, beautiful woman, throw it in an email and send it to and one of us will do our absolute best to try and answer it.

Get them to me by 12am CST Friday. (GMT-6).

*Except for Skippy. (Who runs what is really a NSFW blog, so don't click if you're offended by pr0n.) I'm sorry, dude, but you are banned from asking questions. We can't help you. We think that, perhaps, you're actually beyond help, but that's just us. We adore you, nonetheless. I'm sure that Loveline would love to have your questions. I have to think you and Adam Carolla were separated at birth. I'm sure he'd adore talking to you.

Besides, you can always revel in the fact you were banned from the get-go. You have street cred.

Posted by Kathy at March 16, 2005 03:48 PM

And, the ladies are off to the races...

Posted by: Christina at March 16, 2005 04:01 PM

Awwwwww. Poor Skippy. He'll be so...delighted!

Posted by: sadie at March 16, 2005 07:15 PM
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