March 11, 2005

Comment Spammers Suck

For the most part, I've dodged this problem since I've been on Movable Type. I've been protected and well by the powers that be. Other bloggers have had it far worse than I have. I know this, but I just got slammed, and I'm wondering what exactly do these people think they're achieving with this garbage.?

Their bots place spams on old posts, so no one sees them before I've had a chance to delete their crap. Then they're not even worded cleverly, so that some unsuspecting reader might actually click over. It's ALLSEXALLGAYSEX, etc. all the damn time. Nothing pisses me off more than having to erase the tracks of people who are, above all, STUPID!

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

If you're going to make my life hard with this crap at least, for the love of all that is good and holy, be clever about it!

Posted by Kathy at March 11, 2005 02:43 PM

You got MT-Blacklist installed??

It makes it so very easy.

Posted by: Kevin at March 12, 2005 01:17 PM

Since moo knew is a collective, yeah it's installed, but damn if I know how it works. Other people do that. And I'm grateful to them for it.

Moo knew as a whole has had a real issue with spammers---these people got around the blacklist somehow. I shouldn't whine...I've had a total of 15 to deal with, but thirteen of them were yesterday, in one freakin' shot.

Posted by: Kathy at March 12, 2005 01:47 PM
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