March 04, 2005

My Checkered Past

Yeah. Another meme. From You know who.

Ten Things I've Done But You Probably Haven't

1. Snuck into a Branford Marsalis concert. (Something I will never do again. I won't even pay money to see the guy because he's a Grade A Asshole.)

2. Straddled the Prime Meridien---one foot in the eastern hemisphere, one in the western---while I was visiting the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England.

3. Was "Shake n' Baked" three times by the fine, upstanding brothers of FarmHouse Fraternity, Iowa State University, Iowa Chapter.

4. Was lucky enough to have Joe Fiennes flag down a bartender for me at a pub in Notting Hill.

5. Hobbled around Alcatraz and San Francisco's Ghirardelli Square, Chinatown and Pier 39---and various points in between---with a sprained ankle.

6. Have dined at The French Laundry.

7. Served coffee to Bill Brown (he was one of my regular customers. I nicknamed him "Boom Boom" and he loved it.), Mick Sterling, Bobby McFerrin, and Chaka Khan, among many, many others.

8. Have done interesting things on the porch of this building back when it was called Old Botany and was condemned and scheduled to be torn down.

9. Have gone cow tipping.

10. Had a flat tire at 10:30 at night in the middle of nowhere, Iowa, was picked up by a semi-driver who took me to a phone. Then, when I was unable to find a tow truck driver in this dinky little town, a guy who'd been hanging out at the local Casey's drove me back to my car and helped me put the spare on...and I lived and was unharmed, not raped, etc. I wouldn't recommend it, but there are decent men in the world.

Posted by Kathy at March 4, 2005 01:40 PM

What's cow tipping?

Posted by: Fausta at March 5, 2005 09:34 AM

Cows sleep standing up. Hence you can tip them over when they're sleeping.

It's one of those stupid things you do when you live in the midwest and there's nothing to do on a Friday night if you're under eighteen. You drive out to the country, you find a farm, you hop the fence and jump into the livestock paddock (or if they're out in the pasture, you go and find them)and you tip them. They wake up when they hit the ground and "moooooo" loudly. You then run for the car, lest some farmer shoot at you for trespassing.

Posted by: Kathy at March 5, 2005 09:40 AM

Yeah, or for killing their cows accidentally... Which I didn't know was possible until after the fact, but why that ever sounded like a good idea I could never convince anyone in authority.

Posted by: Jedno at March 7, 2005 12:02 PM
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