February 25, 2005

It's a Real Bunny Boiler

(Yeah, sorry. Couldn't quite help myself.)

Victorino over at the Galley Slaves has been ill this past week and has been catching up on a few oldie but goodie movies, like Fatal Attraction.

One choice quote that had me laughing:

{...}I first saw it when I was in high school and what resonated the most was the sturdiness of the kitchen sink. Moen. Buy it for looks. Buy it for sex.{...}

An old boyfriend in high school had the same idea. I must admit, though, he was more obsessed with the freight elevator. Not like he got anywhere with either inspiration, though.

Go read the whole thing. Also check out an addendum to yesterday's Kingdom of Heaven watch.

The Galley Slaves: There's always something interesting going on.

That is, when they're not off sailing around the Caribbean and sucking up to Bill Kristol.

Or doing both at the same time.

Posted by Kathy at February 25, 2005 08:53 PM
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